216-350-6836 / 404-946-8297 williamscounselingservices@gmail.com

Self-Help Blog / Testimonials


Therapy Isn’t Always Easy

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Self-Help Blog



"Start where you are. Do what you can. Then watch God open up the doors." Ecclesiastes 11:8-10 Life is Short: Be Wise Maximize your life while you can because you can't go back and do it over again. Today is the tomorrow that you were looking for yesterday. But remember: for all of these things God will bring you to Judgment. You and God are going to talk about your choices one day, so live with the end in view. Keep the faith!



Stop focusing on what you can't do.Start focusing on what God can do in your marriage and your life.When a car is out of alignment, its tires are going to wear unevenly, and getting new tires won't fix the problem. Many married people think that if they could just find a new mate, their problems would go away. But that's not the answer. IF HUSBANDS AND WIVES EXPECT TO DRAW ON THEIR HEAVENLY BLESSINGS, THEY MUST ALIGN THEIR ROLES IN THE FAMILY ACCORDING TO GOD'S GOOD DESIGN THROUGH LOVE AND RESPECT.


Clients who use Williams Counseling Services enjoy the overall experience and often report meaningful changes in their relationships and their lives. If your life has changed for the better as a result of working with us, please share your testimonial with us so that we may share it with others. Just send via email to williamscounselingservices@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

I had never been one to talk about how I was feeling. It had always been a challenge for me to tell someone exactly what was wrong because I didn’t know myself, I just knew that something wasn’t right. Before meeting Dwayne, I was absolutely certain that I was the only one who had ever felt and thought the things that I did. I had been to the emergency room three times that week due to what I believed at the time to be symptoms of a heart attack. I thought, “There is no way that me telling this guy, who doesn’t even know me, what’s going on inside of my head is going to help me.”

I showed up that first day extremely skeptical, riddled with anxiety, and on the verge of a panic attack; looking for the easiest way out of the waiting room without causing a stir. Thankfully, before I could leave, Dwayne had walked out and called my name. After our first session, my life began to change in the best way possible. It had almost been like I was experiencing my own life for the first time again when I left his office. After a little over a month, I had learned things about myself I never knew, gained a new found motivation and focus, stopped experiencing panic attacks/physical symptoms, and felt like I was ready for anything that could be thrown my way.

Dwayne is truly an amazing, compassionate, intelligent, and kind human being. I’ve never met someone (outside my mom and brother) who genuinely cared about me as much as he has. There is no better feeling than knowing whatever kind of mistake you may have made, there is someone you can tell and not be judged for it. I now schedule a session once a month for my own peace of mind, and because I truly enjoy our sessions. It feels more like I’m going to see a friend (who just happens to know his psychology) rather than some cold, analyzing suit. At the risk of sounding cliche, I am grateful for all of the anxiety and panic attacks that I had experienced, because without those, I would have never met Dwayne, and I might never had found my true self.

Mr. Williams has truly been a blessing to my life in becoming the person I always believed was beneath the surface. Personally, it was tough to acknowledge that there was work to do, but I knew the work needed to be done.

Session after session, I began to notice how much better I was feeling, and this change started to reflect in other areas of my life. My family and friends could notice the changes that were taking place, which was a great feeling.

The aspect I appreciated most was (how) Mr. Williams constantly challenged me to explore who I am as a person. You hear about self love, but I truly understand what that means now, and thank you!

November 8, 2021


27801 Euclid Ave.
Suite 520
Euclid, Ohio 44132



Tel: 216-350-6836
Fax: 216-505-5559


Tel: 404-946-8297